Why Use a Commercial Office Cleaning Company?

Office cleaning company providing a clean office space

Picture yourself as a client entering your office for the first time and move around the office following the path a client may take and take a good look at your office as you move through it: does it give a good impression? You’re actually highly likely to find certain problematic areas that would be the focus of client’s gaze – these are the sort of areas that would be identified and focused upon by a good commercial office cleaning company.


For example, we would suggest that the following areas would likely be on your radar and form the basis of any commercial cleaning program:


Your Office Reception Area

They say that first impressions count and nothing says more about your business than your reception area. Not only is it usually the first part of your workspace that client gets to see, it is also usually the area of your office space through which no one can avoid travelling (usually to both enter and exit your business premises) and therefore it needs to make the right impression!

Not only should this area be kept tidy, but the level of cleanliness too should be of the highest standard and any good commercial cleaning company will tell you that a reception area is a prime focal point for their services.


Workplace Rest Rooms

As with a reception area, an office rest room will – at some point or another – be visited by all guests and staff of an office and will require thorough and regular disinfecting to be kept in a presentable state.

A good commercial cleaner will regularly disinfect and clean the rest rooms from ceiling to floor level and pay great attention to areas that are touched by visitors to them (taps, paper towel dispensers, soap dispensers, hand dryers, door handles, cubicle door locks etc).

Tidiness is also of the utmost importance and, dependent upon your commercial office cleaning contract, your office cleaners may be responsible for emptying waste bins and restocking paper towel dispensers and soap dispensers, for example.


Office Kitchen and Break Rooms

For your staff, kitchen and break rooms are essential and should provide a relaxing and safe environment for them to relax and enjoy food and beverages on breaks from their desks and, as such, are another area that require specific attention from office cleaning providers.

If you think back to the rest rooms section, many of those areas of concerns are present here too – sinks, taps, paper towel dispensers, door handles etc – but with added surfaces for disinfecting such as table tops, cooking appliances (such as microwaves), counter tops etc. Added to this is the crockery and utensils used for eating/drinking … all in all, there are a lot of areas of concern here and coupled with the eating process, if hygiene/cleanliness is poor, it’s a recipe for disaster for the users of the kitchen and/or break room!

A good commercial cleaning company can provide deep cleaning of a kitchen and/or break room, paying particular attention to the concerns above, but also staff education is necessary to maintain the day-to-day cleanliness of the area.


Other Office Areas Upon Which A Commercial Cleaner Needs to Focus

In the working part of your office space, your commercial cleaners will pay specific attention to your workstations and empty trash bins and can extend services to disinfecting computer keyboards and other best practices.

However, for a commercial office cleaning program to be effective, staff that use the office should also be educated in best practices and a ‘clear desks’ policy at close of business each day would be highly beneficial in providing the best environment for a commercial cleaner to undertake their duties.

It is also worth noting that disinfecting agents and cleaning materials should, wherever possible, be ‘green products’ that reduce the risk of causing allergic reactions in staff and visitors to the premises.


Other Important Office Cleaning Points to consider …


Clear Desk Policy

As mentioned earlier, for an effective office cleaning program to be undertaken, the removal of as much ‘clutter’ as possible enables a cleaning operative to access the areas that require cleaning. As an aside, many studies have shown that excessive clutter leads to poorer productivity in an office than is experienced in a tidy office so a ‘clear desk policy’ not only facilitates a cleaner office … it also facilitates a more productive office too!

Implement this policy in advance of an office cleaning company beginning their work and stress to staff that this policy refers to having completely clean workstation desktops at the end of each day – no paperwork, pens, paper clips etc to be left.

Behind your furniture

A good office cleaning company will also see the areas you don’t, but that are vital for giving not only a good impression to visitors (and staff) but also maintaining a hygienic and healthy working environment.

This would entail them cleaning behind furniture, ventilation grilles, under desks etc … all those areas where dirt and grime accumulates but are /out of sight, out of mind’.

Areas that people eat

We have covered break out and kitchen areas earlier but the attention paid to such areas by an office cleaning company would be extended to any place where employees eat as the potential for the transfer of bacteria from dirty work surfaces, utensils, dishes etc is very high.

Office Phones

Your office phone needs to be cleaned frequently by spraying cleaner onto a cloth, and then wiping the phone.

Probably not something any workers will think about but one of the worst or best?) places for harbouring bacteria are phone handsets. These need to be cleaned frequently with antibacterial agents (spray cleaners and wipes) to ensure they are safe to use,. Again, this is something that a good commercial office clean would include in their service as required.

Office Carpets

Another prime suspect in the harbouring of bacteria and general detritus is right under our feet … the office carpet! A fully trained Carpet and Upholstery cleaning specialist will use deep cleaning methods which ensure your carpets and upholstery are left fully replenished and fresh.


In Conclusion …

So, we hope we have given you some food for thought when considering the cleanliness of your office space and given you a few pointers as to how a commercial office cleaning company can provide a series of services above and beyond what would initially be considered ‘cleaning’ but are essential to maintaining a healthy and hygienic working environment.

As a leading Birmingham office cleaning company, at CMS Solutions Inc we offer a complete range of cleaning solutions to workplaces throughout Birmingham and the West Midlands so if you have read this article and are interested to see what CMS Solutions Inc can offer your workplace, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us!
